1. Dance classes

your mom has the wonderful ability to do the work, work, take care of yourself and do many other tasks, and still keep smiling. However, this great responsibility can cause you to feel very stressed .


Moms often put their family's needs first and forget about them. In addition, they exercise a lot of pressure on themselves to have the house always in order or to be the perfect mother, "says Lynn Bufka, a psychologist American Psychological Association (APA) .

With Mother's Day just around the corner, it's your chance to look gifts to help your mom to reduce their levels of stress , that show you how much you love her and your concern for her health. Check out these examples!


1. Dance classes

Dancing is not only fun, a study published by the Journal of Applied Gerontology affirms that doing it at a pleasant musical rhythm helps alleviate the symptoms of stress an effective form. So look for an academy nearby and enroll your mom to the rhythm classes that you like the most.

Video Medicine: Hip Hop for Kids 1 (April 2024).