Why do we eat a lot in December?

With the arrival of winter, and particularly in December, we always ask ourselves: why do we eat more and gain weight? In our body, a series of changes that determine that you eat a lot are provoked.

According to United States Mental Health Institute , the food in winter comes to compensate all the sensation of dynamism and freedom that takes place in the previous seasons that are warmer.

With the decrease in ambient temperature, the effect is double, so that the body's caloric demand increases more, as well as the desire to eat more foods rich in fats and sugars.

In this regard, specialists agree that the intake of carbohydrates increase the activity of the serotonin , neurotransmitter related to pleasure and well-being.

The environmental changes that occur in winter, specifically the lack of light, also cause the body to increase the segregation of some hormones such as melatonin , which is responsible for making the body temperature decrease, according to vitonica.com

Therefore, the body feels the need to eat larger amounts of food to increase the caloric intake to get more body heat. This is what makes us tend to consume foods such as sweets and derivatives in many cases.

Another factor that encourages eating more is the boredom , characterized by the lack of activity thanks to the holidays of the season, which is one of the main causes that a person eats emotionally in order to supply certain pleasures that provide the rest of everyday activities.

The body works slower, so it requires less heavy foods, which are based on fruits and vegetables.

The key to not gaining weight in winter is taking some snacks, precautions or "pinches" when preparing food and controlling portions, according to nutritionist Adrea Cohen, alimentacion-sana.org

Another good alternative is soups, because this preparation is in winter the same as salads for summer: the simplest possibility of being well fed without gaining weight due to high water content, but it is important to know how to combine other nutrients such as vegetables and lean meats.

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Video Medicine: Do it for the meme! | DangIT Vlogs - December 2018 (April 2024).