Why do they fall in love?

Surely many times, as parents, they will wonder why children fall in love? The explanation is simple, since during the first years the children are getting to know their first emotions.

At this stage, they learn to organize experiences related to feelings and this is when they begin to register a way of reacting to love and physical closeness.

A baby may feel stress or calmness, comfort or discomfort and can not understand it as such, only feels it and places it as something that he likes or dislikes.

The parents are the interpreters, that is, those who begin to organize the experiences that the child will live. In this way they will help you determine for yourself who to approach and who to leave as you please or bother a person.


Why do they fall in love?

When I tell you that you are "in love" you will surely ask yourself why? and it will happen when he enters kindergarten around 3 or 4 years because his social life will improve.

In this stage you have a great love relationship with your mom or dad and it is an attachment that reflects a need for security, trust and validation. It will be then when he can pay attention and direct his affections towards other people.

Normally you will hear phrases like 'I already have a girlfriend', 'I'm going to marry Natalia' or 'My Miss is the prettiest'. Interested in: 10 things to do together before he grows

If you said "fell in love", do not be scared! As parents, they should feel proud that they have given him enough love so that his son has the confidence to look for other figures of love.