When do you get angry do what you ask?

Tight lips, penetrating gaze, open nostrils, eyebrows down and together are typical signs of anger . Is emotion It is a natural way of reacting to multiple situations that cause discomfort, but it is also a way to achieve a finish .

The anger is expressed with verbalizations , gestures Y voice tone that clearly show the annoyance of people, but that in a certain way is a socially acceptable way.


According to an article in the Argentine magazine of Behavioral Cognitive Therapy: the anger expressed in a way assertive help to solve a disagreement , claim rights or set limits ".

But it is also a way of control and influence in the decisions of others. Even in relationships if you look angry, they do what you ask , this reaction is explained by a study published in Psychological Science, from the Association for Psychological Science .


When do you get angry do what you ask?

Researchers of the Association for Psychological Science affirms that the Expressions of anger "they look like increase the effectiveness of threats without real aggression ".

This is because facial gestures are relatively more difficult to control than our words and have a greater effect about what we say , even unconsciously read as a credible indicator of the couple's motivations, says Lawrence Ian Reed , author of the study.

Expressions of anger "seem to increase the effectiveness of threats without real aggression"

In their research, the scientists found that expressions of anger lend an additional weight to the threat of a negotiator moving away if his or her demands , which leads to the other party in the negotiation to offer more of what they would have done in a neutral situation.


Each party involved in a negotiation that goes in order to get exactly what they want, but also have a great interest in making sure that their demands are seen as credible, "states the study.

The psychologist Reed argues that this finding before the facial expressions of anger they have broad relevance in all kinds of talks :


The idea that bargaining offers are partly mediated by motivations speaks to the importance ofemotions and its expression in any situation of agreement ".

So if you are upset, your facial gestures speak for you, they have an effect greater than your words or threats. In your experience do you think that really when you look angry , make what you you ask ?

Video Medicine: Do you feel angry all the time There may be some hidden reasons for that (May 2024).