3 common diseases of your eyelids

To take care of our visual health we should not only pay attention to the graduation of the lenses or inside the eye; there are also diseases of the eyelids that prevent correct vision.

I agree with you National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH, for its acronym in English), the eyelids help protect the eyes; by opening and closing them they help lubricate the eye and eliminate dust or external particles that are placed on the surface of the eye.

However, the eyelids can also become infected, inflamed or develop cancer, as well as manifesting other types of diseases such as:

1.- Blepharitis. According to a study by the National University of San Marcos (UNMSM) , it is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids, specifically on the edge where the follicles of the eyelashes are located.

With this discomfort, seborrheic dermatitis, irritation, burning and itching, as well as dryness and peeling of the skin develop. To reduce the discomfort and relieve this disease of the eyelids should be done a daily cleaning at the edges with special products, as well as the application of antibiotic ointments.}

2. Stye It is a reddish bulge (grain type) that is generated by a bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands, where the eyelashes are found. You can register more than one at the same time.

A person with this condition experiences a gritty or irritating sensation in the eye, sensitivity to light and eyelid and tearing.

The best to alleviate it is the application of hot wet compresses for 10 minutes, let it drain itself and avoid the use of contact lenses or makeup, as well as the application of antibiotic creams.

3. Chalazion. It consists of a small protuberance on the eyelid, caused by a blockage of a small sebaceous gland located behind the eyelashes. It usually develops after an internal stye.

Although it is painless, the eyelid may be red, tender, inflamed, and hot. To relieve it hot compresses can be applied for 10 minutes; but, if the growth continues, it must be removed with surgery or using a steroid injection.

To prevent this type of diseases of the eyelid it is necessary that you have a good hygiene on your face and avoid touching your eyes with dirty hands. Also, try to use lenses to protect your eyes from the particles that are in the environment.

Video Medicine: Why Sudden Change of Eye Position/Prominence Should be Checked for Thyroid Eye Disease (April 2024).