Beware of exaggerated optimism!

The pessimism or optimism are attitudes that reflect the way in which a person perceives or evaluates different situations and the results that may arise from this evaluation, says the psychoanalyst Pablo Guerrero .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist of the Clinic of Private Assistance to Patients of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) He points out that pessimism develops from a very young age, when an identification is created when he sees the reaction of his parents to various situations.

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Although people can eliminate or overcome this pessimism, it is not a simple process. "

To begin to see life in a more positive way and eliminate the pessimistic point of view, the person has to identify the cause for facing situations in this way.

In addition, a specialized treatment such as therapies, is very useful for people pessimists change your point of view to understand why situations are perceived in that way and find a solution to see life in a different way.


Beware of exaggerated optimism!

On the other hand, the psychoanalyst Pablo Guerrero details that optimism can not always be positive, since some people use it to hide or deny problems, downplay what is happening, have the idea that things are arranged.


This apparent optimism is generated in people who do not accept or want to see their reality and do not want to face a certain situation, because it could be something very painful, "says the specialist.

For a person to realize that he has a pessimistic way of seeing things, someone else must point it out to him, because it is very difficult for them to realize it, because it is a pattern learned since childhood.

"There is no other way to see reality, it is what they know as real, and that is what they think and live in this way," concludes Pablo Guerrero.