Brotherhood action that changed the world ...

Date that tests the culinary talent of the United States population, the Thanksgiving Day It has become a festivity that influences not only the table but the feeding of a large part of Mexicans. How is it possible?

According to the portal of the U.S. government, the Thanksgiving Day , also known as "Thanksgiving", is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In this celebration is celebrated not only the good harvest, but the appreciation of the settler through sharing your food with the Indians.

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Brotherhood action that changed the world ...

The food of Thanksgiving Day It hides secrets that go beyond the mixture of aromas and flavors. And here we tell you 5 of them according to information from the Huffington Post.

1. Precooked food . The Thanksgiving Day gave life to one of the best selling dishes worldwide: precooked food dishes. Thank you an excess of the company's product CA Swanson & Sons and to the cunning of Gerry Thomas who observed a new aluminum plate application where food was served to travelers, created the idea for this unique dish.

2. Not everything in the turkey is good. One of the main differences between white and dark meat is a compound, myoglobin, which is found in active muscle, as it helps transport oxygen. The turkeys they walk much what their tissues, leg and thighs, are full of this substance. Dark meat has about twice the fat of white meat and contains saturated fats.

3. Delicious, but fatal food. The Calorie Control Council estimates that average Americans consume four thousand 500 calories on Thanksgiving. Something that does not help the weight.

4. Sweet surprise. The marsh berries that are occupied in the famous cake, is a close relative of blueberries. Both are species of the genus Vaccinium. While the former are harsh and sour and the blues are juicy and sweet, both are native to North America, and boast high levels of antioxidant flavonoids class and richness in vitamin C.

5. Ideal meal to sleep. In theory, tryptophan, the amino acid found in the turkey, makes us sleepy because our bodies convert melatonin, a neurochemical substance that helps us fall asleep. But, in reality, the urge to take a nap after the meal is more likely as the result of mixing between carbohydrates and sweet dishes, like mashed potatoes.

The food of Thanksgiving Day it is present in the gastronomy of our country; example, Christmas, where the favorite dish is turkey.

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