What happens in the brain when we forget?

When we forget some things, they are usually due to stress or to fatigue at the time of retaining a piece of information or information. At that time we believe that we retain it, but we do not use the appropriate skills and we end up forgetting it, so it is vital to know the cause and how to improve the memory .

This is because we do not build the right amnesiac traces and the information we thought we stored is erased from our brain, according to Antonio Manzanero, professor at the Faculty of Psychology of the Complutense University of Madrid.

The I forget , as a normal phenomenon of the system memory human, is confused with the pathological problems of memory , the amnesias . In fact, neuropsychology distinguishes between benign forgetfulness and amnesia, explains the specialist.

The causes of benign forgetting very varied, in many cases related more to perceptual problems and attention, which cause poor processing of information, than memory problems.

The encouragement of memory it is something very important, since this function is not something that is being spent, but to function properly, it has to be stimulated.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present some tips that can help you stimulate it, focus your attention better and prevent forgetting:

1. Relaxation . The quieter you are, the easier it will be for you memorize , so it is important to learn to control the stress .
2. Rest . Sleep At least 6 hours guarantees your brain an adequate functioning and, therefore, a better ability to memorize good things.
3. Gesturing . Doing it while you talk helps you memorize data in which you emphasize. This is because we store not only the auditory information, but also the gesture that emphasizes the most important.
4. Antioxidants . Integrate to your diet daily foods rich in antioxidants , like fruits with brighter colors such as red or orange, which help to improve the functioning of the memory .
5. Omega 3 In the same way with fish, nuts and other foods rich in these fatty acid . You can also include it as supplements.
6. Exercise . It is proven that the exercise It is one of the best ways to take care of your memory due to the adequate oxygenation that physical activity provides.
7. Brain gymnastics. The brain, like our body, requires physical activity to be in shape. Make various exercises focused on cognitive development and memorization they will prevent the brain from deteriorating with age or certain conditions.


What happens in the brain when we forget?

When we forget something, in reality it is because we erase those memories that do not have much transcendence, which compete to survive against those associated with a relevant objective in the life of each person and that settled in the long-term memory.

Erase competitive memories on a daily basis confers greater cognitive capacity to preserve important ones, according to a study of the Laboratory of Biological and Artificial Learning of the University Institute of the Italian Hospital.

Published in the magazine Gognition, this study explains that when the hippocampus generated new neurons , the memories acquired more recently were better retained and remembered; while the older memories were difficult to recover, due to phenomena of interference produced by the newcomers.

This process coincides with the vision of the "mental library commonly used to explain how our brain stores memories, or photographs of each experience and that evoke, by the senses, some memory stored in the brain.

Therefore, when we lose some previous memory, or we can not remember something recent, it happens because it has been displaced by new neurons generated by the hippocampus , according to the bioengineer Victoria Weisz, collaborator of the study.

It is important to know the process through which memories and memorization are generated, according to the psicopedagogía.com portal. Once we perceive something, a process begins that leads to the memorization of that information. This is achieved with the following phases:

1. Understanding : suppose the observation through the senses and understand that information.
2. Fixation : it is acquired with repetition. It is essential to fix, before remembering, information that interests us.
3. Conservation : this phase is based on the interest, concentration, training of the person, and all these factors depend on the way in which it is memorized.
4. Evocation : means to take stored knowledge to the plane of consciousness.
5. Recognition: it consists of the interrelation of new and previous knowledge.

Therefore, it is essential that a person continuously reinforces each of these processes, not only to stop forgetting things, but for an adequate mental work and learning.

According to National Institute on Aging of the United States, There are different techniques, actions or exercises that allow to regenerate continuously the neurons and increase the capacity of the memory :

1. Learn a new song : instead of humming it, sing it. You will exercise two types of memory : the auditory and verbal.
2. Yoga . According to the New York University , this discipline provides meditation exercises that help the essential skills for critical thinking and memory .
3. Conceptual networks : Break down a topic into concepts, words and associations that allow for better understanding and memorization of things.
4. Reading and drawing . Help the memory and improves the ability to concentrate because it exercises the memory auditory, visual and verbal.

These are some exercises that can help you improve your memory , but there are many more, so it is highly recommended that you consult specialists who can advise you in an appropriate manner.

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Video Medicine: How memories form and how we lose them - Catharine Young (April 2024).