What are xanthelasmas?

If you are 35 years old or older and suddenly you get white spots on the eyes , it's about xanthelasmas.


What are xanthelasmas?

In an exclusive interview with GetQoralHealth, Rodolfo Muñoz, ophthalmologist and surgeon explains the appearance of these white spots on the eyes and how to treat them.


Xanthelasmas are alterations of age (appear after 35 years) and usually appear after pregnancy or prolonged exposure to the sun.

They are benign lesions of white color that appear in the eyelids more frequently in the area near the lacrimal, both in the upper and lower eyelids. These lesions are located in the layer of the skin and do not affect the orbit.


They are dangerous?

Xanthelasmas are fatty deposits, which are not always related to blood cholesterol or metabolic disorders. The specialist discards that his appearance produces damage to health, but it clarifies that they do not disappear.

There is no specific treatment, there are simply aesthetic solutions such as plastic surgery, but makeup is a great help to cover them.

With the passage of time, they may change but they do not worsen and they do not put health at risk ocular.

If you came out white spots on the eyes and you do not like it, try covering them with makeup or consult a dermatologist if you would require cosmetic surgery to remove them.



Video Medicine: Eyelid Lesion Excision (May 2024).