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The open pores are produced by different causes but we can always resort to natural beauty treatments that are less aggressive for our skin .

Therefore, this time we present you some homemade beauty tricks to close the pores that will help you look great

The causes of having open pores of the skin can be hereditary, an unbalanced diet or expose us to the sun without protection, but with these homemade beauty tricks you will be able to show a skin without imperfections.


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Natural mask with oats

Blend a cup of oatmeal until it is well ground. Mix it with half a cup of warm water and stir until a more homogeneous paste forms.

Apply it on the face and areas where you have black spots until it dries. Then rinse with warm water.

Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate is also good for closing pores in the skin. Mix a little of this white powder and lukewarm water in proportionate amounts.

Apply the mixture with gentle massage in the affected area for one minute. Then rinse with cold water.

Mask of almonds

Blend a cup of almonds until they turn into a very fine powder. Add a little water until you get a paste.

Apply it on the face and let it act for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water.


It is used to lighten the skin, but it is also good to close open pores.

Before going to bed, wash your face and apply a little buttermilk with the help of a cotton ball. Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse with cold water.

Orange and lemon

Wash your face with warm water or make chamomile sprays for five minutes to open a little more pores and do a deep cleaning.

Squeeze half a lemon in a glass so that only the pulp and skin remain. Take these last two and massage your face in small circles.

Squeeze half orange and save the shell for later use. Now mix the orange and lemon juice; moisten a clean gauze with these liquids and apply on the face for a few minutes. Rinse your face with warm water.

Once the cleaning is done, you will close the pores using the orange peel you had reserved.

But first cook the peel of the orange, let it cool and the water resulting from the cooking will apply it to your face.

Compresses with herbs

To reduce the appearance of open pores, apply herbal infusions with gauze or cotton on your face.

The most effective infusions to close the pores are parsley, thyme or burdock.

Video Medicine: Lori's Butte College Success Story: Apply Today! (April 2024).