Type of colitis

According to Mexican Association of Gastroenterology , colitis is one of the most common conditions, since 15% of patients who come to the doctor complain of the symptoms of this condition and 5% do not respond to treatment due to continuous stress.

Besides of stress , bad eating habits, such as consuming excess fat, junk food, soft drinks, spicy, promote the development of this disease, therefore, specialists recommend improving your lifestyle with the Program Deflates Your Body in 15 days


Type of colitis

Affective factor Some examples are anxiety and depression, because they can intervene in the symptoms get worse.

Physiological factor It refers to the alterations of bowel movement in response to stress or food consumption, fluid retention or hormonal alterations.

Behavior factor It refers to the management that we give to our health individually, for example following a pharmacological treatment, a diet or follow the doctor's instructions.

When to think about colitis?

The main symptom is intermittent abdominal pain and changes in the stools (diarrhea with up to 3 daily bowel movements), constipation, abdominal swelling and pain. Therefore in GetQoralHealth We invite you to take care of your health with the following measures for the proper management of colitis:

1. Include morning and afternoon snack
2. Do not postpone or omit breakfast
3. Moderate the consumption of irritating foods (coffee and condiments)
4. Avoid situations of stress
5. Identify the foods that cause discomfort in our diet and avoid them or moderate the amounts.
6. Eat low or moderate fats and avoid high-fat foods
7. Decrease the consumption of legumes, watermelon and lettuce
8. Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages
9. Perform moderate physical activity
10. Avoid eating "by emotion", either by sadness or anxiety.

Colitis is a disease that has no serious complications, however to prevent it is recommended to eat low-fat foods and carbohydrates, eat a diet high in fiber, drink water, exercise and control stress.

Remember to attend your doctor, follow your Program Deflates Your Body in 15 days , as well as avoiding self-medication, since other conditions can have symptoms similar to those of colitis.

Video Medicine: What is Ulcerative Colitis? (April 2024).