Total worry!

The anxiety, Emotion that arises automatically in situations of threat or danger, can be triggered by any of the many stressors that we live on a daily basis.

In Mexico, according to specialists from IMSS, up to seven percent of the population suffers from the disorder generalized anxiety. We women are more likely to show it.


Total worry!

The anxiety appears without realizing it and it overflows us like the foam of a beer. What are the factors that generate it? That's why we say the six things that can do it ... especially if you're a woman.

1. Stress It is ranked as the number one cause of anxiety. Their symptoms are so similar, that often both disorders are confused. The stress generated by eThe current rhythm of life When we can not control it, it leads to an anxiety disorder, which in turn can lead to depression.

2. Responsibility Excessive responsibility is another of the most frequent reasons for anxiety. Women are especially sensitive to this problem as we have to become super-women with functions ranging from being the most fun friend in the world to the most committed mother, going through being the successful professional and the perfect lover

3. Perfectionism.
Many women are like that: they need to do everything well and are unable to delegate because they have to have everything under control. They do not accept making mistakes in any area of ​​their life, therefore they have a strong disposition to suffer from an anxiety disorder.

4. Insecurity. A poor perception of oneself, a poor assessment of one's abilities or a lack of self-esteem is also a cause of anxiety. In many macho environments (call family, work or university) this happens. To live in insecurity is to live with fear to do everything wrong, to let everything go wrong. Therefore, insecurity precedes anxiety.

5. Emotional imbalance. Not having found the emotional balance, not knowing what you want in life or not knowing how to accept life as it comes can cause an anxiety disorder. This often results in a depression.

6. Accumulation of adverse situations. Anxiety can also be a consequence of a long period of adverse life situations. It is true that sometimes things are twisted and twisted all at once. Hence the need to learn to be stronger psychologically and not let us overcome the difficulties.

Anxiety is presented disproportionately and is sometimes triggered for no apparent reason. In these cases, when it appears inappropriately or is so intense and lasting that it interferes with normal activities, we should begin to look at it as a disorder and go immediately to a specialist.

Video Medicine: Powerful Prayers and principles for total freedom and deliverance from worry, stress, and anxiety (May 2024).