Bad cholesterol is reduced with nuts and beans

Researchers from the University of Toronto conducted a study to determine the effect of a diet rich in fiber to reduce the cholesterol , without the need to take drugs.

The reduction of low density lipoprotein or LDL, commonly called bad cholesterol was so broad that the changes could be an alternative to statin medication for many people, said the director of the research, David Jenkins.

The study determined that a diet composed of reducing ingredients of the cholesterol specific products, such as nuts, beans and grains with a high content of fiber , helped to reduce the levels of this disease better than just a diet low in saturated fats, although both options could be vegetarian.

It should be remembered that the fiber It is part of the plant foods that the body does not absorb and in addition to helping to reduce LDL, it slows down the rise in blood glucose, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, adds volume to the stool and prevents the constipation .

For more guidance, here in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of the Spanish Heart Foundation that tells you how to increase the content of fiber in your diet.

According to Jenkins, for those who like the idea of ​​changing the diet instead of taking medication, even if it is not always enough, this is a reasonable alternative and doctors should try to encourage their patients with cholesterol bad to change their eating habits.

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Video Medicine: Nutrition : Food Recipes to Lower Cholesterol (April 2024).