Swim in ice water to burn fat

Swimming is a cardiovascular exercise whose benefits are well known for health, but swim in ice or cold water allows to burn fats in a greater percentage due to the increase in the processes metabolic in the body.

Swimming in ice or cold water refers specifically to one that is near or below 0 degrees, whose main characteristic is that it is covered by a light frozen layer.

This variant of swimming allows you to burn more calories and fats because the water temperature is lower than the body temperature, the body is forced to level that temperature change, according to vitonica.com

This process of normalization requires a large amount of energy, which is obtained from the accumulated fat in various areas of the body. Therefore, it favors a greater weight loss.

Another benefit of swimming in ice water is that it favors the strengthening of the immune system ; however, it can only be done in small periods of time or after specialized training.

Therefore, it is not advisable to swim in ice water that far exceeds the freezing temperature, or perform it for periods of time greater than 2 or 3 minutes. Otherwise, a person is exposed to the hypothermia , which represents a danger to cardiovascular health.

Among other measures, it is recommended that swimming be done in intermittent periods of 20 or 30 seconds, introduce the body partially, as well as use equipment or special suits (such as neoprene), which help to conserve the heat of certain areas sensitive, like the extremities.

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Video Medicine: Starting Cold Water & Winter Swimming? The Easy & Healthy Way | Dmitry Tamoikin (April 2024).