How to identify it?

You have asked yourself, how many heirs will you have? Well, a study of University of Helsinki in Finland it suggests that, in the case of men, the shape of their face predicts how many children they will have.

In the research published in Biology Letter , the Finnish scientists John Loehr and Robert B. O'Har a, detail that the ratio between the height and width of the face can help predict the number of children a person will have.


How to identify it?

For the study were analyzed, through photographs, the faces of about a thousand soldiers who participated in World War II and some personal information such as marital status, number of children and the rank they had. With this, the researchers found that the face of men who have more children is wider.

"Soldiers with wide faces had a greater offspring after achieving survival in times of war," while thin-faced soldiers had fewer children, experts say.

They even explain that the success of mating and sexual attractiveness is due to the high levels of testosterone that men with wide faces have.

In addition, the face not only predicts the number of children, since other studies have suggested that men with wide faces are less likely to register violent deaths by physical contact (such as stab wounds or strangulation).

It can also reveal social status, strength and combat ability, because "facial morphology correlates with various physical and behavioral attributes," say Finnish scientists.