Slim with natural juices

The juices freshly squeezed are one of the most nutritious and complete foods that you can include in a diet for reduce weight , because they are quick to assimilate and absorb, as well as an excellent source of vitamins Y minerals

A rapid loss of weight can imply a diet too strict and can decrease themuscle mass , instead of the simple loss of fats .

For one diet balanced and effective, it is recommended to take natural juices of fruits like papaya , pineapple Y tamarind , which have the necessary properties to mobilize or burn the deposits of grease .

To elaborate a juice with these fruits he uses:

1. One cup of juice pineapple natural
2. Half a cup of juice tamarind natural in pulp
3. A large slice of papaya chopped

Preparation: Perfectly blends the ingredients. Straight and freshly made baby. Add mineral water to make it less thick.

The papaya juice contains papain, an enzyme similar to pepsin that produces digestive system human being and what is required to make the most of proteins . It improves the stomach process and contributes vitamins .

The pineapple It is rich in minerals and contains amino acids pillars of the nutrition , as well as an enzyme that acts as an anti inflammatory Y diuretic ; In addition, it streamlines the process digestive and has antibiotic properties.

The tamarind he is rich in potassium and to a lesser extent in sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C. Some of its acid components block the action of the recipient cells of grease .

Remember that lose weight It does not happen in a few days, it's a process in which you have to eat healthy, make exercise and be constant. Go ahead, try!

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Video Medicine: 10 WEIGHT LOSS JUICES (April 2024).