Celery, a good anti-inflammatory

It has been used since historical times both in the kitchen and by apothecaries. In addition to its crispy texture and flavor, it is a "balancing" vegetable.

Here we present the ten qualities most important celery , that will help you maintain your figure and take care of your health; also, a delicious recipe to share with your family.

1. Reduce the cholesterol: According to researchers from the University of Chicago , the celery reduces the levels of cholesterol up to 7 points with only 2 stems a day. It also helps to increase the secretion of bile acids , which helps remove the cholesterol of the body.

2. Anticancer: One study found that this vegetable contains a large number of compounds that help prevent metastasis of the Carcinogenic cells , because it contains some compounds called acetylenics that stop the growth of tumors .

3. Digestive: Celery juice releases some special nutrients from the fiber that help the bowel movements, which makes it a natural laxative that helps relieve constipation .

4. Diuretic: The potassium and sodium of celery juice are powerful regulators of bodily fluids, which stimulate the production of urine to get rid of excess fluids; Properties of celery to lose weight.

5. Anti-inflammatory: The polyacetylene of celery's properties to lose weight is an incredible relief for all types of inflammation , including rheumatic arthritis, the osteoarthritis , the drop , the asthma and the bronchitis .

6. Decreases high blood pressure: A compound called phthalide helps relax the muscles around the arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow freely.

7. Insomnia cure: Minerals and essential oils have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, which makes it beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia . Its high levels of magnesium help to relax and fall into a soothing and restful sleep.

8. It helps to lose weight quickly: Taking celery juice throughout the day helps to restrict cravings of sweet and junk food . It fills you up without making you gain extra kilos. This is one of the most important celery properties to lose weight.

9. Eliminate and prevent calculations: Remove toxins of the body, which helps break and eliminate urinary stones and those of the gallbladder . The juice helps those who have suffered from calculations to never suffer them again.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the director of UROCLINIC, Carlos Sánchez Moreno explains the types of urinary stones:

10. Increase sexuality: It is beneficial for the sexuality weak, without causing an uncontrollable desire like some drug pharmaceuticals such as viagra and similar.

Tip : Celery can be prepared in juice with any other fruit or vegetable.


Waldorf salad


200 grams of celery

2 red apples

The juice of 1 lemon

50 grams of chopped walnut

4 tablespoons mayonnaise

1 squirt of skim milk

4 tablespoons of non-fat natural yogurt

1 lettuce orejona

Salt and pepper to taste


Cut celery stems into slices and reserve. Peel and cut the apples into slices, spritz them with the lemon juice and mix them with celery and walnut; reservation.

Mix mayonnaise with milk and yogurt; season to taste. Pour the mixture over the mixture of apple, celery and walnut. It perfectly incorporates all the ingredients. Serves a bed of lettuce and on top of the preparation.

Enjoy this delicious recipe and take advantage of all the benefits of celery!

Video Medicine: Celery Juice Every Day Will Do This To Your Body (April 2024).