Improve your cardiovascular health in a delicious way!

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide; even, it is expected that in 2030 they will cause around 23.6 million deaths per year. However, in order to reduce this statistic, healthy habits such as the intake of foods that take care of your heart should be adopted.

Therefore, in the following video, GetQoralHealth It gives you some food options that will help you lose weight at the same time you take care of your heart.

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Improve your cardiovascular health in a delicious way!

In addition, the intake of these foods, you can prevent the presence of heart disease with the modification of your habits, according to the World Health Organization and the Mexican Society of Cardiology.

For example, both myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents are 100% preventable if you only invest a little effort and time when taking into account these suggestions:


  1. Reduce tobacco consumption
  2. Eat a healthy diet
  3. Perform some physical activity for 30 minutes every day of the week
  4. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables
  5. Decrease salt intake
  6. Maintain adequate control of blood pressure and blood sugar
  7. Maintain an ideal weight

Remember that the first step to take care of your cardiovascular health is to acquire awareness, so analyze how much you walk a day, what you eat daily and when you go to the doctor in case of any discomfort you have. And you, what foods do you eat to take care of your heart?

Video Medicine: 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk by 80% (April 2024).