10 facts about the recommended vitamin dose

The recommended dose of vitamins varies according to the daily needs of each person. Everyone should know these things about the vitamin RDA .

1. The RDA It differs with age and body, which in turn depends on the genetic load found in the chromosomes of each individual.

2. It also depends on the physiology of each body, whether the person is pregnant or lactating, whether it is male or female and the rate of growth.

3 .. Strict compliance with the RDA It is recommended for the prevention of rickets or scurvy.

4. Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C, is simply discarded in the urine. But with other vitamins, drinking too much leads to overdose that can cause diseases.

5. Take multivitamins that contain 100% of the necessary vitamins, is not harmful to the body.


Consume them in moderation

6. It is not recommended to take all vitamins regularly. For example, vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting, is only prescribed to a patient when necessary. It can only be purchased with a prescription.

7. The Prenatal vitamins They are especially prescribed for pregnant women due to some of the more concentrated vitamins that the growing fetus needs.

8. With vitamins in pills, only 10 to 15% of the nutrients are absorbed by the body. This is because the body can better absorb the vitamins in food than in pills.

9. You should not rely on vitamins to complete the body's nutrient needs. We need carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These products must come from whole foods.

10. Studies have found that there are certain vitamins that require higher doses, while there are others that should only be given in small portions. We must be aware of the needs of each organism.

Video Medicine: Vitamins: do you need supplements? (April 2024).