Salt is a risk factor for hypertension

A study conducted in the UK He indicated that the rock salt and the sea ​​salt they have the same chemical composition as common table salt , although they tend to be presented as natural products and more healthy .

According to information published on the portal of the BBC World , although the recommended levels of Salt are 6 grams a day, the research carried out by the magazine Which? and the consumer support organizationConsensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) (Consensus on Action on Salt and Health), found that many adults in the UK consume too much Salt . It is known that the high consumption of this product is a risk factor of hypertension , which can lead to heart attack or cerebrovascular disease .

The study analyzed the chemical content of several gastronomic brands of sea ​​salt and rock , and compared them with the content of the table salt , finding that they all contain 100% sodium chloride and they are equally harmful for the Health if they are consumed in high quantities.

The report notes that "many famous chefs should not be encouraging people to sprinkle their food with sea ​​salt , because we can get all the salt we need from a diet balanced. "

The teacher Graham MacGregor , of the Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine He says it is "shameful" that the chefs are encouraging people to use so much sea salt and rock salt. "The most important message is that we do not need to add a chemical compound (sodium chloride) to our food," he explained.

"Food without salt tastes much better, and there's enough natural salt in fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. "The report indicates that branded products that claim that some salts are more natural and contain essential minerals confuse consumers.

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Video Medicine: Can salt in your diet affect blood pressure? (April 2024).