Relieves hepatitis metaphysically

The hepatitis it is an inflammation of liver caused by the virus of the hepatitis C . This disease is highly contagious and often does not present symptoms in the early stages.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) , between 130 and 170 million people in the world are infected by this virus .

Although it is a disease that is spread through blood transfusions , risky sexual activities, consumption of drug , etc., emotional factors exist that detonate their appearance due to an insufficiency of the immune response before the invasion of the virus .

In the next interview the metaphysics in health Martha Sánchez Navarro , explains for GetQoralHealth how emotional conflicts cause hepatitis C and how it can be alleviated metaphysically:

The metaphysics It is related to everything physical and beyond the physical. When you talk about metaphysical healings , refers to healing physical and spiritual ailments.

The metaphysics it is based on the importance of the balance between the body and the mind; seeks to grant the patient mental tranquility, body rest, confidence and faith to achieve healing without fanaticism.

It is fundamental that before any type of illness a combination of medical treatment is made with the spiritual treatment provided by the metaphysics ; in this way the body's immune response is greater and the patient's recovery is faster and more efficient.

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