Protect your body from cancer!

We get phytonutrients, minerals and vitamins from what we eat, except for vitamin D . In fact, it is also a fat-soluble hormone that we naturally produce inside our organism through biochemical mechanisms. Once the hormone is "activated", it becomes calcitrol.

All vitamins They intervene in the processes of healing and regeneration and are vital for our well-being. However, the vitamin D It has a special place as it participates in different functions and supports our bones, muscles, heart, lungs and brain.

In addition, it allows our body to manage the amount of calcium that travels from our digestive system through the bloodstream. It facilitates the creation of enzymes to help the digestion and intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc.


Protect your body from cancer!

Vitamin D also plays an important role in the brain by helping neurons to communicate with each other in a correct way and influences our way of thinking, learning and acting. It intervenes in the performance of the thyroid and, finally, acts as an anti-inflammatory weapon, stimulating the immune system and fighting against diseases.

According to him American Vitamin D Council of the United States , the deficiency of this vitamin is related to the rickets , the osteoporosis , the Cancer , the Alzheimer's , the Parkinson , multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type I and II diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and chronic fatigue, among other pathologies.

You can improve your overall health by spending a regular time under the sun, at the recommended time, to encourage the occurrence vitamin D under our skin thanks to ultraviolet radiation.

For this, 15 minutes are necessary, although it will depend on your location and the climate of your area, since the intensity of the sun can vary and we do not want you to burn.

Vitamin D occurs mainly when we are exposed to UV-B light. Only 10% comes from our diet. Natural sources of food include oily fish (D3) such as herring, oysters, trout, salmon, sardines, mackerel, eel, tuna, egg yolk and some fungi (D2).

There are foods that have been fortified including milk and other dairy products, soy milk and soy yoghurts, breakfast cereals and juices.

Therefore, you can get vitamin D from the sun, the food you eat, or the supplements you take. According to the US National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily amount for an adult is 600 IU (15 mcg), but if you suspect that you have a vitamin D deficiency or are not sure you produce enough, please talk to your doctor or health provider.

Getting a blood test is the only accurate way to know if your vitamin D level is correct. It is not advisable to take supplements without supervision, as this can be toxic in very high doses.

A balanced diet along with a healthy lifestyle is essential to keep our body in balance. Here I share ideas to increase your level of vitamin D through delicious and healthy dishes.

Salmon wrap

Video Medicine: Cancer Cannot Survive In Your Body If You Eat These 8 foods (April 2024).