Prepare them!

One of the simplest dishes to prepare and, at the same time, more nutritious are the muffins. Although some think that this type of dishes favor weight gain, because they usually serve in bolillos spread on butter and melted cheese, light muffins can be delicious.

The first thing we need to know is that beans have a high protein and fiber content, as well as being an excellent source of minerals. According to Leticia Cervantes, nutritionist of the National Institute of Nutrition, of each one hundred grams of beans, 20 are of protein, very similar to the contribution of the meat.


Prepare them!

To enjoy light muffins, in GetQoralHealth we recommend the following recipe. Remember to use ingredients that are low in calories and fat:


  1. Two small rolls without crumbs or French bread, sliced ​​in half
  2. Half a cup of liquefied beans (can be prepared at home or from a can)
  3. Half a cup of grated low-fat mozzarella or panela cheese

Mexican sauce

  1. Two chopped tomatoes
  2. Half chopped onion
  3. A clove of minced garlic
  4. Chile serrano minced


Spread each half of the roll with beans and sprinkle the cheese on top or place strips of panela cheese. Bake the muffins until the cheese melts (in the case of mozzarella) Serve with the Mexican sauce.

For the Mexican sauce

Place the onion, garlic, chili and tomatoes in a bowl and mix until they are incorporated.

The black beans are the richest in proteins, although the properties of other types, such as rosita and pinto, are similar. Enjoy your meal!

Video Medicine: About Wild Grape Leaves and How to Harvest and Prepare Them (May 2024).