Burn out for overwork

Watch out! If at work you feel like you're going frustration to neurosis , or from boredom to melancholy, you're probably a victim of burn out.

It is a severe pathology, relatively recent, which is related to the work environment and the lifestyle we lead. It is an emotional disorder that entails serious physical and psychological consequences when the phenomenon is somatized. The anxiety wave depression they give rise to numerous labor losses.

Sometimes you can experience anxiety Y agitation at the same time (nervous tics, trembling hands), palpitations, tachycardia and stitches in the chest; increase in blood pressure, muscle pain (especially in the lower back), headache , digestive problems , disorders of dream and sexual inapetencia .

These symptoms absorb the social and family life of the affected person, who chooses to isolate himself and remain alone. One of the main characteristics of the syndrome is that it occurs in professions that one has freely chosen, that is, they are more vocational than compulsory.

The 4 phases of burn out

In 1980, psychologists Jerry Edelwich Y Archie Brodsky they defined the burn out as "a progressive loss of idealism, energy and motives lived by people in the helping professions, as a result of working conditions." They proposed four phases through which every victim of burn out.

Stage of idealism and enthusiasm. The individual has a high level of energy for work, unrealistic expectations about him, without knowing for sure what he can achieve. The person gets too involved and there is an overload of voluntary work. There is a hyper-valorization of his professional capacity that leads him not to recognize the internal and external limits, something that can affect his professional tasks. The breach of expectations causes, at this stage, a feeling of disappointment that makes the worker go to the next stage.

Stagnation stage. It supposes a diminution of the activities developed when the individual verifies the unreality of his expectations, happening the loss of idealism and enthusiasm. The individual begins to recognize that his life needs some changes, which necessarily include the professional field.

Stage of apathy. It is the central phase of the syndrome burn out. The frustration of expectations leads the individual to paralyze their activities, develops apathy and lack of interest. Emotional, behavioral and physical problems begin to emerge. One of the common responses in this phase is to "retire" from their work because they feel less competent. These behaviors begin to become constant, which leads to the last stage of this disorder.

Separation stage. The person is chronically frustrated in his work and suffers feelings of total emptiness, which can manifest as emotional distancing Y professional devaluation . There is an investment of time dedicated to work in relation to the first stage.

Consequences of burn out

The most important concept is that it is a progressive process (more than a state) that includes:

  1. Gradual exposure to work attrition
  2. Frustration over the unrealized idealism
  3. Lack of achievements

With any of these characteristics, it is best to go with a psychologist to talk about your problems, face the situation and improve your quality of life.

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