What's the contraceptive patch

A sexuality protected and informed prevents the transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections (ITS) and pregnancies not planned. Therefore, it is important that people know the different methods that exist, and in particular, what is the contraceptive Patch ?

According to information from the laboratories Janssen , the contraceptive Patch It works through transdermal technology, which releases small doses of hormones that are absorbed through the skin , and they reach the blood continuously and constantly for seven days.

This system allows you to live without worries, feel comfortable and protected, because it adapts to your lifestyle and is very discreet. The price of contraceptive Patch It ranges between 35 and 250 pesos per month.

This well-used method is very easy to use, has a proven effectiveness of 99.4% and its success depends on the user's attachment to the treatment.

In the following video of Planned Parenthood, what is the contraceptive Patch , its benefits, as well as how to use the Ortho Evra :


  1. When you stop applying it, you will be able to conceive without any problem; that is, in just six weeks you will be ready to have babies.
  2. It works properly under any activity or sport you perform, such as swimming, running, walking, bathing
  3. It's easy to use; Adheres or detaches in a few seconds
  4. It maintains its characteristics of adhesiveness in any type of climate.
  5. Three patches are applied per month (once a week)
  6. Decrease the acne and the Colic menstrual


  1. There are some contraindications in people with diabetes , migraine , hypertension or smoking , because it is a hormonal method
  2. For your purchase you need a prescription from your gynecologist
  3. When you let go early or forget to change it, it decreases its effectiveness
  4. Side effects include bleeding between menstrual periods, vomiting , sickness and sensitivity in the breasts

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the obstetrician / gynecologist Alejandro Váquez Alanis He explains other characteristics of this contraceptive method:

Remember that before using any contraceptive method , you must visit your gynecologist to recommend the one that best suits your needs. And you, how do you protect yourself during sexual activity?