Oxytocin generates envy

A group of Japanese researchers released the results of a study where they found that the envy can produce pleasure because the hypothalamus free oxytocin Y dopamine at the time of said feeling .

In this research, published in the journal Science, the scientists found that the brain free the dompamina when a person who has it envy , it goes wrong, what it produces pleasure . For this, they registered their results through magnetic resonance functional.

East feeling is what in Spanish is called "gloat ", A term that tries to explain the feeling of joy or joy created by the suffering alien, and that in German is called as schandenfreude, a term that has been adopted by other languages, as published in suite 101.

To level cerebral , envy Y gloating they have some brain areas specific: when a person reads about another, why he feels envy , the cingulate anterior cortex in the dorsal brain nodules ; whereas if what you read is the failure of the person envied , what is activated is the ventral striatum .

In short, the oxytocin , the hormone of love, is capable of unleashing envy by one person and the gloating because of the bad luck of others, which is directly related to the dopamine .

This substance has enormous importance in our way of behaving socially. When a person has a positive emotion towards another, the oxytocin power, but if empathy goes in the opposite direction, it promotes emotions negative

Therefore, it can be said that the oxytocin it behaves like an enhancer of social feelings as the aggressiveness , generosity , empathy , trust and the envy .