When is he who does not want to have sex

Men always want sex. False. To have low sexual desire has been the subject of jokes directed at women for a long time, but mens they also suffer from low libido. However, it is difficult to monitor a real number due to the stigma that virility has imposed on the sexual life of gentlemen.

A study conducted by the magazine Psychology Today Y Redbook Magazine They asked women about their vision of the sexual appetite of their husbands.

60% of the women in the survey stated that they wanted to have equal or more sex , what their husbands wanted.

If your husband lately is indifferent in bed, It probably has nothing to do with how attractive you are or how much you love. Maybe you have a personal problem, such as depression or stress that causes your sexual desire to decrease. They lose interest for the same reasons as women: unresolved problems, resentment, contained emotions, among others.

Some advice from the couples therapist and collaborator of Redbook magazine, Michele Weiner Davis, are:

-Good times do not just happen. When things are going well in a relationship, it is because at least one of the two is doing something different. Try to make a space in your agenda and sedúcelo when least expected.

-When there is a problem in our life, we try to fix it. The problem arises when the chosen strategy does not work. So women tend to repeat the strategy, like "talk" about our relationship, or dress in sexy lingerie.

If you have tried some method several times, and each time you try again you get the same result, then the strategy is wrong , and could even make things worse. Try something different Ask yourself, what will your husband think that you do that drives him crazy in this particular problem?

-Do something different When we are immersed in a relationship for a long period, we usually act in automatic. We fall into the same routines over and over again, and we fail to take perspectives and see different solutions to the same problems.

Try to look for a change of attitude in the same fight Friday. It is only a small change that can generate a totally different behavior. It does not matter how crazy or strange it is. You may not see results instantly, but it patient. Keep your eyes open and you will see small changes in favor.

- The more you do a certain task or act in a certain way, the less likely your husband is to do it and vice versa. East ups and downs effect It can be reflected in emotions If you are the emotional one of the relationship, it is probable that he will keep his feelings. If he handles finances, you probably forgot to pay the bills.

In sex it happens the same. Someone takes the role of the initiative and the other one of "persecuted". If you want your partner to be more involved in the sexual relationship, and you have always been the one who starts the game, try to change the roles . Stop chasing him and he will notice your absence. This technique helps to break the expectation and gives you the opportunity to be the one to look for you and start the magic, without feeling pressured.

Remember: do not be afraid to experiment. If you stop a little pressure on him, he will not go away anymore. It is very likely that the opposite will happen. Sometimes it can be scary to end old patterns, but there really is nothing to lose and a lot to win .

Video Medicine: 6 Reasons Your Partner Won't Have Sex With You (April 2024).