A fire that burns ...

"Like a fire that burns you inside." It is a common expression when speaking of burning in the stomach, a symptom that usually occurs more regularly after eating some food; But what factors produce it?

The burning in the stomach is characterized by a burning sensation that begins in the pit of the stomach. According to the expert from Wilson Caro, Gastrointestinal surgeon Imbanaco Medical Center, Stress is one of the most important triggers, but also excessive consumption of alcohol.

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A fire that burns ...

Although burning in the stomach is a very common symptom, there are several factors that produce it. GetQoralHealth It gives you three. Get them!

1. I earn from little roasted coffee. An investigation carried out by the University of Vienna in Austria, and presented in the National Congress of the American Chemical Society , notes that a more intense coffee beans can facilitate that it is better tolerated by the stomach and thus avoid burning in the stomach.

Doctors associate the unpleasant sensation that coffee consumption can produce with the overproduction of stomach acid caused by its chemical components. This unwanted effect causes many people to resort to antiacid medications.

2. For a hernia. The expert María Teresa Betés Ibañez, of the department of Digestive of the University Clinic of Navarra, He notes that hiatus hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach ascends to the thorax through a small opening that exists in the diaphragm. Burning in the stomach is the main symptom, and it is possible that it is associated with the passage of acidic or bitter foods from the stomach to the mouth.

3. Avoid copious meals. A too full stomach puts pressure on the muscle that tries to keep the food bolus in the stomach compartment and, therefore, hinders its task. Also, the more we eat, the longer it takes to empty the stomach and this increases the chances of reflux and burning in the stomach.

Changing lifestyle habits such as eating less fat or doing regular exercise can help you avoid burning in your stomach. Try it!