Food vs solar radiation

Some foods can help prevent the effects of solar radiation , as sunburn , thanks to the vitamins and compounds they contain.

While the sunscreen remains an effective method to protect the skin of the Sun rays , and thus avoid the skin cancer It is not the only way to take care of it. Therefore, in addition to red meats, it is advisable to incorporate foods such as fruits and vegetables into your diet that help to have a skin healthy and radiant.

Broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower and cabbage are excellent options if you want to increase the consumption of vitamins Y antioxidants . These vegetables are effective for the prevention of Cancer thanks to said chemical compounds.

On the other hand, cabbages contain sulforraphane , a compound that helps increase the capacity of the skin to protect against cancer (mainly from mom) . The cabbage contains very few calories , and eating a lot will help you relax already sleep best.

The melon has a lot of beta-carotene , a antioxidant which has proven to be effective in the fight against damage caused by UV rays , helping to repair the skin . It also contains vitamin C , another important nutrient that promotes skin fury.

On the other hand, these foods help you eliminate impurities from your body and prevent the constipation , so you have very good reasons to include them every day in your meals and, by the way, feel better and look good.

Remember that if you are not used to eating them, the most recommendable thing is that you add a dressing and lemon, because you will not notice the flavor. And if it's melon, you can add some chili powder or plain yogurt, the goal is to eat these rich vegetables and prevent the harmful damages of the solar radiation in you skin .

Video Medicine: Earth Entering Ice Age, Major Food Shortages & Doses of Solar Radiation (May 2024).