Do you know your sexual rights?

The band The Cure, led by Robert Smith, joined the latest Amnesty International initiative that seeks as a priority that all young women in the world have access to basic health services and information about their sexual and reproductive rights.

This effort, launched under the name of "My body, my rights", tries to sensitize society about the barriers that exist around the issue of sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the importance of its dissemination.

Claudia Rampazzo, author of the book Sana tu vida íntima from Editorial Debolsillo, explains that just as we have human rights, we also have sexual and reproductive rights, which were established at the congress of the World Association of Sexology (AMS) in Valencia, Spain, in 1997. The specialist explains each one from them:

1. Right of sexual freedom : It covers the possibility of individuals to express their full sexual potential. However, it excludes all forms of coercion, exploitation and sexual abuse at any time and in any life situation.

2. Right of autonomy, integrity and sexual security : It assumes the ability to make autonomous decisions about one's sexual life within the erotic, personal and social context. It also covers the control and enjoyment of the body, free of torture, mutilation and violence.

3. Right of sexual privacy : It supposes the right to individual decisions and behaviors about intimacy, as long as they do not interfere with the sexual rights of others.

4. Right to sexual equality : Refers to being free of all discrimination.

5. Right to sexual pleasure : As a source of physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual well-being.

6. Right to the expression of sexual emotions : Sexual expression is more than just erotic pleasure or the sexual act. Individuals have the right to express with communication, touch, emotion and love.

7. Right to free sexual association : It refers to the possibility of getting married or not, divorce or not, as well as establishing other types of associations.

8. Right to free and responsible reproductive choices : Consists on the decision to have children, the time between the birth of each of them, as well as access to fertility regulation.

9. Right to sexual information based on scientific data : It implies that it must be generated through an ethical scientific process and disseminated through the appropriate channels at all social levels.

10. Right to comprehensive sexual education : It is a lifelong process, from birth, and continues throughout life, which must involve all social institutions.

11. Right to sexual health care : This should be available for the prevention, treatment of all concerns, problems or social disorders.

To conclude, the author affirms that all human beings have the right to exercise a healthy and satisfactory sexuality, regardless of whether they live with any condition or disability, as well as regardless of our age, economic and civil condition, so that we can ensure our integrity physical and emotional.

"Self-knowledge does not nourish pride". To see: My rights, my body: //

Video Medicine: #KnowItOwnIt - your sexual rights matter (April 2024).