Love your body and be beautiful

Beauty is an ambiguous concept, for scientists it is the set of physiognomic and corporal traits that demonstrate the healthy genetics of the individual. In the case of the society between thinner, curvaceous and sympathetic a more beautiful woman. However, have you ever imagined that you can be beautiful just by having a self-esteem alt to?

What makes a woman beautiful is the security she feels in herself. That's what the actresses project before the camera, the models on the catwalk and the women who sometimes make us company in the transport.

Here we tell you what are the secrets that make these women have the High self-steem and, therefore, be the center of admiration.

1. Focus on the "today" . They stop torturing themselves with the past. They understand and discover that time can not be recovered, therefore, we must move forward. The only time that exists for them is the present.

2. They appreciate the favorable aspects of their anatomy. They recognize that they have flaws, but they do not highlight them or concentrate all their life on them. They try to love and expose what makes them beautiful.

3. They are valued. Your physique is not everything. They give importance to the personality, passions and attitudes that make them unique. Day by day they remember how special they are.

4. They do not compare. we are all unique . Nobody is equal to anyone, so there is no point in trying to compare yourself with another person. If you do it, you will only get hurt. Enjoy what you have and do not envy.

5. Exercise. Performing a physical activity increases confidence, this will allow you to raise your self-esteem.

6. Accept your beauty. You are unique and therefore no one can be equal to anyone.

The beauty and what makes many women beautiful is their High self-steem . Try it, look at the mirror and love the reflection in it.