Top detoxifying foods

There are many natural products that help to detoxify the body and improve the health of people, so it is important that you include certain foods that, in addition to nourishing you, eliminate toxins and bacteria that detonate certain diseases .

According to the portal Global Healing Center , the environment, food and water contain microorganisms that accumulate in the metabolism of individuals, which favors the deterioration of the immune system and the detonation of chronic diseases.

If you want to cleanse your body, the best way to start is with the DETOX program in 7 days . This is a comprehensive detoxification program that helps you cleanse your body from the inside, with remarkable benefits in your mood, performance and overall health.


Top detoxifying foods

To learn how to detoxify your body naturally and without chemicals, these foods are the most recommended:

1.- Lemons : Drinking lemon water helps balance the acidity of the food eaten. Take it early in the morning, if you add ground flax seeds, you will promote the removal of toxins.

2.- Beetroot : It's very rich in vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene. It is a great source of iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium, minerals needed to detoxify the body quickly and effectively. Its large amount of fiber helps the digestion and to eliminate waste.

3.- Epazote and wormwood: If you want to detoxify your body from harmful organisms, include these herbs in your diet, which create an unhealthy environment for bacteria. Taking a probiotic supplement will help to expel microorganisms that damage your health.

4.- Garlic : It is a powerful antivirus, antiseptic and antibiotic. Eliminate pathogenic microbes from your body and reduce endogenous toxins. Its sulfuric compounds make it essential to detoxify your body.

5.- Dandelion: It is rich in nutrients and minerals, so it offers a variety of phytonutrients, which help cleanse the digestive system and strengthen the liver. Try adding dandelion leaves to your salad.

In addition to these foods, it is proven that chlorophyll, turmeric and maca are effective to detoxify your body. These are included within theDETOX program in 7 days .

By eating this type of food you will have a healthy body, so it will help you prevent diseases . In addition, you will forget about constipation because you will have a colon free of impurities, as well as a more defined silhouette, because your metabolism will burn fats faster. And you, how many times do you detoxify your body?

Video Medicine: Natural Remedies & Cleanses : How to Do a Full Body Detox (April 2024).