How to act in an attack of hypoglycemia

What is hypoglycemia? It is a condition produced by a fairly low level of blood sugar. If you have diabetes, then you know very well the effect that causes the lack of sugar in the blood. Because it provides the body with energy, the low level of energy can make a person feel very sick. Therefore, if you have a close family member who suffers from this condition, you may ask yourself this question: What can I do in a hypoglycaemic attack?

First you have to know the signs when a person is experiencing hypoglycemia. Do you feel very hungry and dizzy? Do you have a headache or nausea? Do you sweat excessively, experience tremors, feel cold or something unusual? Blurred vision, difficulty speaking and vomiting? If you look at all these signs, then there is no doubt that you have a hypoglycemic attack.

If you are the one who experiences all the symptoms of hypoglycemia, the first thing you should do is not to panic. Keep in mind that the lack of glucose in the body can be treated easily if it is detected early.

What you should do is eat foods rich in sugar, less biscuits and cakes, because although these foods are rich in sugar, they are not advisable because of the proteins and fats they contain and they prevent the sugar from being absorbed quickly by the body.

It is advisable to drink a glass of juice or a soft drink. This fluid will restore the balance of blood sugar in the body and make it function normally more quickly.

It is very easy to treat hypoglycemia. But, what if you or your close relative is unconscious after the attack? Then it's time to call an ambulance because severe hypoglycemia can lead to a diabetic coma.

If you have a friend or family member in this state of unconsciousness, you should administer an injection to treat the hypoglycemic reaction. These injections are very important to recover the patient's consciousness and normalize the level of blood sugar.

The hypoglycaemia that leads to diabetic coma can cause more serious health conditions, such as brain damage and even death. Therefore, you must know what to do when that emergency arises.