Because it happens?

If you are in your 30s, without a partner and you see how your whole environment gets married and has children, it may have crossed your mind that you could stay single. It is a normal thought. The problem is when you can not get it out of your head and it becomes a phobia: the fear of being single .

Is called anuptaphobia and it happens to women who are obsessed with finding a partner to not stay single. It is also known as the Susanita Syndrome, the character of the comic strip Mafalda who only wanted to get married and have children.

You can also see: Health benefits of being single

It is usually given in women of 30 or more years, with low self-esteem , little confidence in itself, dependent and jealous that really feel panic when thinking that they can end up single.

Sometimes this type of women goes to the extreme of dating men they do not even like and ending a relationship and starting another immediately.


Because it happens?

"The reason why being without a partner stops being a stage to become a disease lies in the type of bond that is established with the other," explains the psychologist. Graciela Moreschi , author of the book 'Women Without a Couple, disease or new stage in the life cycle?'.

Moreschi says that those women who need the other to be themselves, "not only will suffer from loneliness, but will have great difficulties to relate emotionally."


Do not worry, it has a solution

If maybe this is your case or that of a friend, we want to reassure you and tell you what is something that can be solved with professional help

What Moreschi advises is to put yourself in the hands of a therapist and start perform exercises to "improve self-esteem and help the person get in touch with their own desires and needs. "

The most important thing is that you start love yourself more and realize that there is nothing wrong with remaining single. It is a stage of life full of good things that you must learn to value and enjoy.

You are a wonderful person whether you are single or not. Love yourself and enjoy all the good things that it brings you!


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