Lose weight with ritmonutrition

The key to lose weight and being in shape is having a balanced diet, as well as the constant practice of exercise ; however, we can obtain greater results if we take into account our biological rhythm.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor José Antonio Casermeiro , member of the Ysonut Laboratories, points out that the biological rhythm is the one that determines in each moment of the day what a person can eat; your ideal hours to rest, sleep, etc.

"Through this came the concept of Ritmonutrition , a medical and effective treatment against overweight Y obesity , where there is loss of grease without affecting muscle mass, through various products that help a person lose an average of 5 kilos per month. "

According to Casermeiro, this goal is achieved without any rebound effect, without feeling of hunger, anxiety , stress , etc.

It is indicated for any type of person, but everything is advised with a doctor, who determines the plan and the periodic assessment of each patient.

The success of this program is that the user learns to eat, which prevents that once reached his "goal", gain weight: "In addition we work for specific areas, such as losing weight in the abdomen, hips, chaps, etc.

However, when a person wishes to lose weight, it is essential to include a routine of exercise ; Ritmonutrition alone does not achieve the desired effect.

"If we think about a person who wants to perform a treatment to lose weight, we could not plan a long-term sustained decrease without exercise, in which case, another point of treatment would be the use of special protein products enriched with certain amino acids. that they will help the patient in their diet through the management of the neuromediators that govern the feeding behavior ".

Video Medicine: How a Woman Lost Over 200 Pounds (April 2024).