Let nothing affect your appearance!

Did you know that others can smell when you are stressed? According to a study of Monell Chemical Senses Center, in Philadelphia, This characteristic aroma can make you look less trustworthy to others.

In the research published in the journal PlosOne it is detailed that sweat by stress It is different from the one generated by exercise, since the first is generated through the armpits and groin glands, while the second is emitted throughout the body.

You may also be interested: Avoid odor by sweating


Let nothing affect your appearance!

So that nothing affects your appearance before others, there are many ways to combat sweat by stress , which affects around 87% of people. So you just have to follow some tips like the following:

1. Avoid tight clothing. The rubbing of the fabric with your body activates the sweat glands, so choose loose garments to decrease the release of sweat.

2. Forget about synthetic garments. The best thing is to use cotton clothes, because it allows your skin to breathe naturally, that is, it does not trap the aromas like synthetic fabrics.

3. Reduce the consumption of spicy food. Capsaicin, present in chili peppers, stimulates heat receptors. The brain, "deceived", believes that the body temperature increases and activates the necessary mechanisms to balance your temperature, including sweat.

4. Use the right products. One way to eliminate sweat and odor is the use of deodorants and antiperspirants that give you security as Secret Clinical Strength, which through seven different presentations ends the problem without leaving stains, thanks to its active ingredients.

Video Medicine: Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model. | Cameron Russell (May 2024).