Use them in your favor!

A sweetener without calories It is an ideal help or option when we are trying to reduce the calories we consume more without leaving aside the sweet things.

What happens when you consume a non-caloric sweetener like SPLENDA® ? In principle, when you consume them you only feel the sweet and rich pleasure as if you consumed some kind of sugar , only that your body does not recognize it and does not generate that feeling of wanting more.

Then, not being recognized by your metabolism, it does not accumulate in your body and you throw it away through feces and urine 24 hours after you consume it. So you can enjoy that rich sweet taste in your food without consuming calories the rest.


Use them in your favor!

Sweeteners without calories such as SPLENDA® have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English) as safe sweeteners that can be consumed by everyone.

Even SPLENDA® is recommended for those who live with a metabolic disease such as diabetes or obesity or for those who want to control the consumption of calories or carbohydrates.

According to on the site Let's talk If you are a person who takes care of your figure through food, a good option is non-caloric sweeteners such as SPLENDA®.