Create your own life lessons!

At age 30, not only the body begins to show the first signs of aging: wrinkles, sagging and weight gain. At this age, a series of experiences that have shaped the person we are, but what are the lessons of life that they learn before the 35 ?

The most common belief is that adulthood implies stability . However, people continue to perfect their behavior and character . It is a stage in which the learning in different areas of life, explains Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros , Professor of Personality of the Autonomous University of Madrid .


Create your own life lessons!

In the next video, discover a great life lesson before age 35 and do everything in your power to change the world.


Lessons learned in the 35s

In this stage we live the fullness , with projects, opportunities and diverse challenges what to do to harmonize life family , professional Y Social . You probably formed a home , you are mom and you have consolidated economically and academically .

Thus, GetQoralHealth presents you the list of only 8 lessons of life that you should to learn before reaching 35 years , as documented Joshua Campos Millburn Y Ryan Nicodemus , authors of Minimalism: Live a meaningful life Y All that remains.

1. Errors are the best learning. In the end, we are imperfect human beings that when making wrong decisions we make mistakes, which in most cases have a solution. The lesson that remains is to learn from them and not repeat them.

2. Health matters and you have to take care of yourself. It is the most valuable thing in life, without it nothing else matters. The focus is on maintaining the best physical condition, emotional and mental, through exercise, healthy diet, better quality of sleep, as well as surrounded by good companies and friendships

3. Necessary to find a balance between work and family. Employment begins to have another meaning; You consider the hours spent at work to spend more time with the family. That is, to live with a sense and mission.

4. It affects less the "what they will say". At 35 you begin to understand that you will hardly be how the "world" dictates. The apprehension of being accepted in a certain circle descends because you understand better than "when people do not like you, nothing really happens", the world does not end.

5. Jealousy wear. A great lesson is to be clear that this feeling damages relationships and that it is not the "right" way to show love or that that person matters to you. On the other hand, the "ideal" is to show confidence, this attitude makes everything easier.

6. Pain is not the same as suffering. Emotional pain is a way of knowing that something is wrong and that we have to change, but suffering is a choice that we can change to stop afflicting ourselves and thus move forward with more strength.

7. Escape the debts. Although they seem necessary, they are not always. They cause a lot of stress and problems. It is best to adapt the lifestyle to current income, manage expenses to meet the needs and start with a savings plan.

8. Love and self respect. When these feelings develop, you feel worthy of the good things in life, enjoy them and live with motivation. When you get success and recognition you do not self-sabotage. You achieve inner peace and lead a more peaceful and relaxed life.

Every decade of life has its own learnings , the important thing is to keep them with conviction and act on congruence . At age 35, you may find that you probably miss many things for to experience Y know

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