Keys to being sexually

Specialists claim that the erotic intelligence it is just as relevant as emotional, interpersonal or intrapersonal. When you learn and develop, the sex life Becomes more Pleasant . The keys to be sexually intelligent they are based on self-awareness Y acceptance .


Marty Klein , sexologist Y Author from the book Sexual intelligence, explains that it is the sexual intelligence or erotica is the ability to wake Y keep the wish in a complicated or uncomfortable situation and adapt to the changes natural of your body to get pleasure" .

He adds that it is having an inclination and an open mind to know the meaning of eroticism , as well as understand Y to accept that intimate moments are not always as planned.


Keys to being sexually "smart"

Klein offers a formula very simple to understand what is the sexual intelligence : information + emotional skills + awareness from your body . With these bases, it is easier to develop it. Here four keys to be sexually intelligent .

1. Know and explore your body. The American psychologists Sheree Conrad Y Michael Milburn affirm that the knowledge of your body makes you identify what your zones are erotic . When communicating them to your partner, the sex life it's fuller and satisfactory .

For Esther Morales León, clinical psychologist and sexual consultant , by exploring your body and knowing it you discover your own sex, you know what attracts and excites you, what you prefer and the facets that could cause difficulties.

2. Have accurate information. Ian Kerner, sexual counselor and writer , points out that the sexual orientation that people receive, usually comes from wrong sources. It is desirable to receive advisory of specialists or sexologists . Have accurate scientific information about sexuality, in addition to sensitivity to maintain the relationship. In this way you end up with myths and taboos so as not to risk your health and well-being.

3. Clearly communicate the wishes. Kerner says that being able to empathically and sincerely communicate with your sexual partner is relevant to raising your eroticism . This point is related to the knowledge of your own body and that of your partner. By knowing how to express what you feel, seek and desire, understanding is greater, trust grows and you generate mutual respect.

4. Connect with others. Esther Morales says that the connection with others is relevant because sustaining a sex life enriching involves other people. The desirable thing is to open up to others and have mastery of social skills, such as talking with the couple and understanding their eroticism.

The sexual intelligence it implies learning to be honest with ourselves and with our partner, about who we are sexually, "he explains. Morales .

According to the experts, through these keys it is possible to develop sexual intelligence . By knowing you, exploring you, informing you and letting go of fears, guilt or taboos, you enjoy true sexuality. Remember that with love Y respect is best .

Video Medicine: Smart Women Know When to be Submissive (April 2024).