Is everything pleasure in him?

The sedentary or inactive activities ((sleeping, transport, being in front of a screen and sitting) occupy almost 16 hours a day, of the majority of Mexicans, according to the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (Ensanut) . Even though, Why do not we like to exercise?

For Jessica Matthews, assistant professor of health and exercise science at Miramar College in San Diego, physical activity is associated with various physical benefits and emotional improves the mood, increases the energy, Bone density and decrease in fat. However, within these advantages could be the reason that for many it is not pleasant to perform exercise.


Is everything pleasure in him?

Beyond performing an activity that is not to the liking, Jessica Matthews points out that exercise has some effects on the brain; example, the release of endorphins (that allow you to experience that feeling of pleasure and happiness).

However, in some cases these endorphins join opioid receptors in specific areas of the brain that give an effect similar to morphine or other drugs like marijuana Among them is the euphoria and later the decrease in energy. Reason why some do not like the exercise.

Exercising is important to keep the body healthy so we offer some tips that will help you get started:

1. Nothing is impossible. The first thing you should do is remember that you can and what you want to do for you.

2. Choose it . Yes, it is easier to exercise with a friend or with your partner , but not always your activities can be of your liking. Choose something that is to your liking and above all, that makes you feel good about yourself.

3. Do not over limit yourself . The worst mistake you can make when doing an activity is that it hurts you. Start with something quiet and then, if you wish, move forward.

Perform 30 minutes a day of exercise It is enough to improve your health. Do not forget!