5 drinks that accumulate in your hips

Do you tend to accumulate fat in your hips? The secret to wear a slim and toned body is to take a balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients to perform your activities and avoid excess consumption of sugars.

According to a study of Department of Nutrition of the Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston , the excessive consumption of sugary drinks in women is associated with weight gain, accumulation of fat in the hips and the risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes.

The study specifies that the large number of calories that are ingested through liquids, accumulate in cells called adipocytes, so they tend to grow as the intake of sugars increases.

The sugar that generates the fat in the hips is usually in the form of sucrose, lactose and fructose, ingredients that are found in large quantities in the following beverages:

  1. Sugary juices A study of University of California reveals that excessive consumption of this beverage is associated with the risk of obesity. The intake of sucrose without fiber is related to the metabolic syndrome, accumulation of body fat. The ideal is to eat the whole fruit.
  2. Refreshments. An article of the Harvard School of Public Health reveals that half a liter of soda contains between 15 to 18 teaspoons of sugar, that is, more than 240 calories; while more than a liter and a half of a cola drink contains more than 700 calories.
  3. Energy drinks. This type of liquid is one of the main sources of calories, providing more than 226 per day.
  4. Alcohol . A study of European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition by German Institute of Human Nutrition , explains that this type of liquids contribute to the accumulation of body fat in women.
  5. Coffee. In the portal Livestrong.com It is specified that this drink increases the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, which affects mood and sleep. When the body does not have an appropriate rest increases the production of fat in the cells.

By reducing the intake of these drinks will not only prevent the accumulation of fat in the hips, you will also improve your quality of life by reducing the risk of obesity; ailment that damages your appearance, as well as your physical and mental health.

Do not forget to include small portions of all food groups, to have a balanced diet, and drink two liters of water a day. And you, how many times a day do you eat these types of drinks that favor the accumulation of fat in the hips?