The best diet in the world

"The true way to achieve weight loss begins in our head. Have you ever wondered why you want to lose weight? " This is how the doctor begins his consultations Arieh Goldberg , bariatric doctor, expert in nutrition and eating disorders.

This question is followed by a warning: books and diet journals can not be used when they recommend a diet for all people equally.

For Goldberg , each individual is genetically, psychologically and physically unique; It does not resemble any other and therefore requires individual attention and an adequate diet plan.

This is the reason why there are no miracle diets and explains it this way: A person with a cardiovascular problem or with high cholesterol and / or triglycerides, should not do, for example, the famous "revolutionary diet" of Dr. Atkins , because in it they only eat fats and proteins and almost no carbohydrates.

Another example of these "book diets" are those that recommend eating raw or dairy foods: In the case of a person who is going through a certain emotional situation, this diet can cause a picture of colitis (inflammation of the colon) will force you to call the doctor.


The secret of the best diet in the world

In opinion of Arieh Goldberg , many people have to lose weight by order of the doctor or by scolding the family. However, the secret to lose weight is in the own conviction and personal motivation: "It is at that moment that we have to modify our thinking and our attitude and say: I am going to lose weight, because I want a healthy, physical future life and emotionally. "

The fact of weighing yourself day after day is not motivating, says the specialist. "This is completely false, since the body weight is undergoing changes due to many causes."

For example, the time you weigh yourself, if you do it in the morning, you will weigh much less than in the afternoon. The same happens if you gave yourself a vapor and then you weigh yourself. But if you are constipated you will realize that you weigh much more, the same will happen to you if you had a very salty meal the night before or if you are in your menstrual period ".

The doctor Goldberg Advise not to worry, or worry about the weight, in any case "worry more about how you are loosening your clothes, feel more agility, feel less tired, realize that yes you can do it and the only thing that you lacked was to have decided before" .

Video Medicine: What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet (April 2024).