7 keys to be less self-demanding

Perfection? Reaching it can lead the individual to a state of stress, anguish and physical and mental exhaustion; However, they are not the only consequences, excessive self-demand can ruin your life.

People, self-demanding, maintain a high level of aspiration that links them to a permanent state of anxiety, tension and frustration. All this causes them to suffer significant discomfort and their behavior conditions their family, affective and work life; this is what defines it Silvana María specialist of the School of Social Psychology of the University of Quilmes in Argentina.

For this reason GetQoralHealth offers you 6 keys that will help you to diminish your self-demand and to reach your goals more calmly, strengthening an essential aspect of the life of every human being: self-esteem.

1. Objective objective evaluation. Make a realistic assessment of your goals and projects of desire and ideal. After this, it analyzes with what resources, from the capacity to the economic possibilities, accounts to obtain them.

2. Focus on the pleasant. Each time you change the pattern, it is not enough to interrupt the negative thoughts; You can also practice a new positive behavior that will replace the old one over time. Take a moment in any activity, however small, to find something nice in it.

3. Outsourcing Technique. People with a tendency to perfection they focus solely on the task at hand, leaving aside the environment in which this situation develops. If you notice, around you there are a set of aspects that you do not consider, that could help you to not obsess over the most appropriate end.

4. Errors, part of learning. Making a mistake is human. Most of the mistakes that are made in a day do not usually have tragic consequences, but can be corrected. Unravel, the errors and the tragic reality, to be more tolerant with yourself.

5. A person is worth more than what he has or achieves. While everyone wants to be accepted and loved, affection is not exclusive to job or financial success. Those who love us, do it for what we are, not because of what we do or how we are doing.

6. Remove the word "but" from your vocabulary. It is a word used by perfectionists where the negative is put before the positive.

7. Give value that things have. Try not to worry so much about the results, but be more attentive to the process. Put the accent on the sense that things have and give them the importance they really deserve.

At some time or aspect of life, people experience a feeling and desire to perfection . However, happiness is found in the self-esteem and satisfaction that we have for what we are. Learn to love yourself and respect yourself!

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