Insomnia signs

Sleep bad , specifically have insomnia, It alters our nervous system and causes us to feel without energy all day; but in addition to this, it can make us susceptible to suffer a heart attack

Researchers from the Medical University of China, in Shenyang, argue that the insomnia prolonged increases the possibility of having a heart attack up to 27%.

Among the causes, it is worth mentioning that, difficulty sleeping or staying asleep at night and the subsequent exhaustion, the body generates the hormone adrenaline, which increases the tension and forces the heart to work faster .

In addition, the doctor Quiao He , Head of the research group, assured that the women are more likely to suffer from this sleep disorder , Due to the influence of sex hormones and genes .


Insomnia signs

- Difficulty To fall asleep

- Tiredness during the day

- Wake up several times during the night

- Need to get up in the early morning

- Arterial hypertension

- Alterations in mood

- Depression

- Loss of memory

- Lack of concentration

- Problems to perform daily activities

- Stress

Given these symptoms, the most important thing is to go to a specialist doctor in sleep disorders , to make the diagnosis and indicate the treatment to follow.

Do not letInsomnia affects your heart and I'll return easy prey of a cardiac arrest