Discover how to prevent obesity

Do you know how many food intakes are recommended per day? And what kind of meat contains less calories ? A balanced diet helps you prevent obesity and the overweight , so it is important that you learn to combine food, according to the Spanish Heart Foundation .

Do you have doubts if you have a correct diet? Do not worry, with this test you will discover how to prevent obesity and you will know useful tips that will help you to act against this ailment. Ready? Have pen and paper at hand to write down your answers.

We start!

1. How many food intakes are recommended to make per day? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5

2. How is the IMC (Body mass index)? a) Weight / size b) Weight / size2 c) Weight2 / size d) Size / weight2

3. What kind of diet It is recommended for the treatment of obesity ? a) Diets of a single food (diet of grapefruit, soup) b) Very low diets in calories (less than 800 kcal) c) Moderate diets in calories (1200 to 2000 kcal) d) Hyperproteic diets

4. What percentage of carbohydrates is recommended in the diet balanced to prevent obesity? a) 50-55% of the calories total b) 5-10% c) 80-85% d) 90-95%

5. What percentage of proteins is recommended in the balanced diet to prevent obesity? a) 70-80% of the calories total b) 3-5% c) 10-15% d) 90-95%

6. What percentage of fats is recommended in the diet balanced to prevent obesity? a) 70-80% b) 25-30% c) 10-15% d) 90-95%

7. Which of the following meats contributes less calories for every 100 grams of food? a) Rabbit b) Pork chop c) Veal chop d) York ham

8. Which of the following foods contributes less calories per 100 grams of food? a) Croissant or donut b) Mary-type cookies c) White bread of bar d) Breakfast cereals without sugar

9. Which of the following foods should be limited in the diet to prevent obesity? a) Butter b) Chicken c) Legumes d) Cereals

10. Which of the following dairy products contributes less calories per 100 grams of food? a) Cheese from Burgos b) White cheese skimmed c) Manchego cheese d) Emmentaler cheese

Correct answers:

  1. d) In the treatment of obesity it is recommended to divide the meals into at least 5 daily intakes (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner). This way, anxiety is better controlled and snacking is avoided.
  2. b) The body mass index is calculated by dividing the weight (k) between the height (m) squared. The result will indicate if the person has a normal weight, overweight or obesity (if it is less than 25 the weight is normal, 25 to 29.9 indicates overweight and from 30 obesity).
  3. c) It is recommended to follow a moderate calorie diet, personalized and under the supervision of a doctor or dietitian. This diet should have realistic goals, satisfy the vitamin and mineral needs, offer the possibility of long-term follow-up and establish good eating habits that ensure weight maintenance.
  4. a) In a balanced diet, a contribution of 50-55% of carbohydrates is recommended.
  5. c) In a balanced diet, a contribution of 10-15% of proteins is recommended.
  6. b) In a balanced diet, a contribution of 25-30% of fats is recommended.
  7. a) The rabbit provides 162 kcal, the veal chop 178 kcal, the york ham contributes 289 kcal and the pork chop contains 330 kcal.
  8. c) White bread contains 255 kcal, sugar-free breakfast cereals provide 386 kcal, Maria-type cookies provide 436 kcal and croissants or donuts contain 465 kcal.
  9. a) In the diet for obesity will be mainly limited to fats: butter, margarines, fatty meats, whole milk products, cheeses, etc.
  10. b) The skimmed white cheese contributes 70 kcal, the Burgos cheese contains 174 kcal, the Manchego cheese 376 kcal and the emmental cheese provides 415 kcal.


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  1. If you have obtained 8 points or more: Congratulations! Your knowledge about nutrition and obesity are high.
  2. If you have obtained between 4 and 7 points: Your degree of knowledge about nutrition and obesity is medium.
  3. If you have obtained less than 4 points: Your degree of knowledge about nutrition and obesity is low.

Remember that good nutrition should always be accompanied by good hydration and the practice of exercise , to maintain a stable weight and health. If you are overweight, go with a nutritionist, who will guide you and give you a nutritional plan that suits your needs. And you, how do you manage to prevent obesity?  

Video Medicine: #TomorrowsDiscoveries: Preventing Obesity – Dr. Susan Carnell (May 2024).