Ingest them every day!

Most of our body is composed of Water , so it is necessary that through food we keep it hydrated, so that it works properly and we maintain an adequate weight.

The necessary intake of Water not only can we obtain it by drinking the liquid directly, but there are foods with more water that help us acquire that hydration what do we need.


According to Roberta Anding, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and director of sports nutrition at the Children's Hospital of Texas notes that there are fruits and vegetables that are made up of 90% of Water and they are low in calories, so they help us maintain a healthy weight.


Ingest them every day!

In times like summer, the body asks us for a little more hydration due to the temperatures that occur; however, you can cover that need with your diet. In the following video of tips to lose weight, know the foods with more water that can help you achieve it.

These foods along with banana (74% water), pear (84% water), grapefruit and strawberries (90% water) are very healthy if you take care of your calorie intake, since they take care of your figure and are full of fiber, which It gives you a feeling of fullness.

When a person drinks a glass with Water , this leaves the stomach and immediately enters the bloodstream, however, the food must go through the process of digestion, so the water reaches the blood a little slower. Therefore, fruits and vegetables are an excellent option to keep the body hydrated while you exercise.

According to University of Michigan Health System , keeping the body hydrated is very important because it constitutes 60% of a person's weight, body functions are performed correctly, maintains a good body temperature, helps lubricate the joints and reduces the risk of colon, kidney and bladder cancer . And you, do you hydrate properly?

Video Medicine: How Much Raw Garlic Should I Eat Every Day? (April 2024).