Give hygiene to your sleep!

Do you feel less beautiful than usual? Maybe you are sleeping less hours than you should. According to a study of Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, in Stockholm, Sweden , sleeping little affects your beauty.

In the research published in the Journal Sleep It is detailed that people who sleep little look more tired and with an unattractive pale face, as they have red eyes, swelling in the face, dark circles, wrinkles in the mouth and inflamed eyelids.

The researchers detail that the facial aspect intervenes directly in the way of relating to others. When people sleep a short time their features reveal sadness and fatigue, which is unattractive.


Give hygiene to your sleep!

If you want to always look attractive and fresh, all you have to do is sleep properly, so in an interview to GetQoralHealth , the doctor Reyes Haro, director of the Sleep Clinic of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), tells you how to achieve it

By improving your nocturnal habits, you will not only avoid insomnia or keep your appearance intact, but you will reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes, obesity, memory loss and alterations in your bones.

Remember to dine lightly, turn off your cell phone and electronic devices one hour before going to sleep and try to relax with a little meditation. And you, how do you manage to sleep?