From relaxation and comfort to loss of control

When someone drinks more alcohol than the liver can filter, the extra alcohol accumulates and this decreases the action of the nervous system. Thus we begin to lose control.

In small quantities (one or two drinks) we can feel relaxed, this is because alcohol is a "depressant" drug that acts against the central nervous system; Thanks to this, the exaggerated consumption of alcohol causes coordination disorders, speech difficulty and loss of consciousness.

When the alcohol is processed in the body there is a decrease in blood glucose levels. Circumstance that should be taken into account especially by people suffering from diabetes.

The decrease in glucose (sugar) causes symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, tremors, blurred vision and even loss of consciousness if the amounts of alcohol are high

Its effects on the nervous system produce release inhibitions, difficulty speaking and walking, aggressive behavior, and from 200 mg. of alcohol you get drunk, with periods of sleep, dizziness, dizziness, confusion and delirium

If the 350-500 mg are exceeded. Ethyl coma and death occur due to paralysis of the cerebral respiratory centers


The causes of alcoholism

For Dr. Rafael Velasco Fernández, President of the Center for Studies on Alcohol and Alcoholism, the causes of this disease are the following:

  • Evasion: Drinking can be used as a means to exclude unpleasant problems from the mind instead of facing them.
  • Loneliness: the drink can be used to reduce the pain caused by having few friendships, frequent changes, not having "roots", separation from loved ones, etc.
  • Fear: Drinking can give shy, insecure or threatened people a false sense of self-confidence and security.
  • Lack of emotional control: it may seem that drinking relieves the problems that one suffers in their relationships with other people.

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