5 tips to control anger in your life

Anger is a human emotion that for years has been considered wrong or poorly viewed by society; however, it is a normal feeling that if it is kept under control it is healthy for the individual who experiences it, but how to control anger?

For him psychologist Pablo Verde , anger should be controlled when the following symptoms begin to appear: slight tachycardia, nerves, headache and stomach pain.

The episodes of this feeling can occur throughout the day and be caused by stress or the simple provocation or comedy of a co-worker, family member, partner or friend. To prevent anger from harming your Green relationships and GetQoralHealth they present you with the following five tips:

1. Recognize or monitor what is the reason or the person that is causing this problem.

2. Have a support network; example, a friend, family or partner that can listen to you and provide you with an objective point of view.

3. Breathe.

4. Always look for a mechanism to channel energy or output: crying, exercising, shouting, writing or reading.

5. Try to understand or put yourself in the place of the other when he is hurt by our anger.

The specialist also indicates that it is essential that people observe carefully the problem, since anger is presented differently in each person therefore the way to manage it or control it changes from person to person.

Remember that your health is in your hands, do not forget it.

Video Medicine: 5 TIPS TO CONTROL YOUR ANGER TODAY! - How to control your anger in hindi | LifeGyan (April 2024).