Facebook detonates low self-esteem

The University of Waterloo conducted a study that suggests that the social network Facebook can be harmful to people who have low selfsteem .

The specialists found that people with low selfsteem, They flood their social networks with negative thoughts about their lives, which is unpleasant for their friends, as they create a negative image about them.

The people that have low selfsteem They are usually shy and introverted. For this reason, it is difficult for them to share thoughts and feelings face to face with the people around them. social networks as Facebook it allows them to express themselves freely. However, the messages they share are mostly negative.

In the next video the Vitalti Center suggests some tips to improve your self esteem :

The study also mentioned that people with low selfsteem they may feel safer when talking about their life in Facebook , but the effect is the opposite, since most people reject negative thoughts.

For this reason it is important to pay special attention to what is shared in Facebook or in any other social network, since it is a medium in which personal life is exposed and some opinions instead of making you feel good, can damage your self esteem .


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